Free web hosting is a very tempting offer to consider. But it's not suitable for everyone. Read on to find out who free web hosting is best suited to.
On the face of it, free web hosting sounds like an unbeatable offer. You get to go live on the web without having to pay for your website to be hosted.
But there are a number of disadvantages to this which make paid hosting a much better option for the vast majority of people. Some of them include severe limitations on what you can do, lack of space (sometimes you will get no more than a single page), sub-domain name instead of your own domain, the presence of the web host's adverts on your site, and many more besides.
However with that said, there are still a few occasions when free web hosting can be to your advantage.
Firstly they are ideal if all you want to do is create a personal web page - particularly if you want to use it to share news and updates with friends and family. In this situation it won't matter that you have a sub-domain instead of a top level one, and everyone you give it to will easily be able to find your site online. Even if you only get a single web page, it will often be enough for your needs under these circumstances.
It can also be sufficient if you want to create a single information page on a specific subject, especially if you want to do so as an experiment before building a complete website on the subject. You can also insert affiliate links in your content to see how well they perform. In this situation you can see whether or not there is an audience for your topic before going the whole hog and buying your own domain name and website. Be warned though - if your free site and hosting is a success you will have to go back to step one when you strike out on your own.
There is also a third use for free web hosting that supplies you with some free web space. Of all the reasons given so far, this is possibly the most constructive one of all.
You can quite simply use the tools you are given to polish up your html and page building skills without having to pay out for a domain name and your own web space and hosting. If you are a complete newcomer to site building you will find this the ideal ?playground' to put html into practice without worrying about building a proper website.
In short, there is a place for free web hosting online today, but you may find that you aren't one of the people who will benefit from it the most.
On the face of it, free web hosting sounds like an unbeatable offer. You get to go live on the web without having to pay for your website to be hosted.
But there are a number of disadvantages to this which make paid hosting a much better option for the vast majority of people. Some of them include severe limitations on what you can do, lack of space (sometimes you will get no more than a single page), sub-domain name instead of your own domain, the presence of the web host's adverts on your site, and many more besides.
However with that said, there are still a few occasions when free web hosting can be to your advantage.
Firstly they are ideal if all you want to do is create a personal web page - particularly if you want to use it to share news and updates with friends and family. In this situation it won't matter that you have a sub-domain instead of a top level one, and everyone you give it to will easily be able to find your site online. Even if you only get a single web page, it will often be enough for your needs under these circumstances.
It can also be sufficient if you want to create a single information page on a specific subject, especially if you want to do so as an experiment before building a complete website on the subject. You can also insert affiliate links in your content to see how well they perform. In this situation you can see whether or not there is an audience for your topic before going the whole hog and buying your own domain name and website. Be warned though - if your free site and hosting is a success you will have to go back to step one when you strike out on your own.
There is also a third use for free web hosting that supplies you with some free web space. Of all the reasons given so far, this is possibly the most constructive one of all.
You can quite simply use the tools you are given to polish up your html and page building skills without having to pay out for a domain name and your own web space and hosting. If you are a complete newcomer to site building you will find this the ideal ?playground' to put html into practice without worrying about building a proper website.
In short, there is a place for free web hosting online today, but you may find that you aren't one of the people who will benefit from it the most.
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