You can get both free and paid web hosting, but it's essential to know what each method offers so you can choose the best service for you.
There is a saying that you will always get what you pay for, and there is no better example of this than what you get when you opt for free web hosting.
Before you decide which service is better for you, it's vital to understand what each one offers. Paid web hosting generally offers a much more superior service than free web hosting does. Logic will tell you that if a company can offer you free hosting, it must be making its money somewhere.
Usually that somewhere is by placing large adverts on your website in return for hosting it for free. These adverts may undermine the credibility of your website as you will not have total control over the amount or content of the advertising included on your website. If you want to create a website that has no advertising at all then you will almost certainly have to pay for your hosting services.
But it isn't just content that has a bearing on your website. You will receive a better service from a web host that you pay for, simply because if they don't provide you with the service you want and need you will go elsewhere. They have no form of earning any money from your site - the only thing they make their money from is by hosting it.
Because of this you can expect to receive a specific level of service which is usually detailed in the terms and conditions of your particular web hosting package. You can choose which level you need and pay for it accordingly. The web host is also more dedicated to providing this service and improving it wherever they can, as they know their earnings will depend on it.
You may also find your bandwidth is extremely limited if you get your web hosting for free. The specific details of this aspect of web hosting are often not explicitly mentioned on sites which give away free web hosting, but if you go over a certain amount you will probably find you are charged for it - sometimes unexpectedly.
The bottom line is that if you want to have total control over your own website and be able to present a professional image as a result, you need to pay for your hosting package. You will also get to use your own domain name; some web hosting services provide you with a sub-domain, which not only looks unprofessional it can undermine your whole business too.
There is a saying that you will always get what you pay for, and there is no better example of this than what you get when you opt for free web hosting.
Before you decide which service is better for you, it's vital to understand what each one offers. Paid web hosting generally offers a much more superior service than free web hosting does. Logic will tell you that if a company can offer you free hosting, it must be making its money somewhere.
Usually that somewhere is by placing large adverts on your website in return for hosting it for free. These adverts may undermine the credibility of your website as you will not have total control over the amount or content of the advertising included on your website. If you want to create a website that has no advertising at all then you will almost certainly have to pay for your hosting services.
But it isn't just content that has a bearing on your website. You will receive a better service from a web host that you pay for, simply because if they don't provide you with the service you want and need you will go elsewhere. They have no form of earning any money from your site - the only thing they make their money from is by hosting it.
Because of this you can expect to receive a specific level of service which is usually detailed in the terms and conditions of your particular web hosting package. You can choose which level you need and pay for it accordingly. The web host is also more dedicated to providing this service and improving it wherever they can, as they know their earnings will depend on it.
You may also find your bandwidth is extremely limited if you get your web hosting for free. The specific details of this aspect of web hosting are often not explicitly mentioned on sites which give away free web hosting, but if you go over a certain amount you will probably find you are charged for it - sometimes unexpectedly.
The bottom line is that if you want to have total control over your own website and be able to present a professional image as a result, you need to pay for your hosting package. You will also get to use your own domain name; some web hosting services provide you with a sub-domain, which not only looks unprofessional it can undermine your whole business too.
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