Saturday, February 27, 2010

Web page hosting

Google, yahoo, msn, AOL, Dogpile, Alta vista all have search engines on the World Wide Web, searching and organizing information by category. When it comes to searching for web page hosting, you can end up with millions of pages of results. The higher ranked a company is, simply means they have good marketing tactics. It doesn't mean they are better than the next guy in regards to affordability, reliability, performance and customer service. So, where can a small business owner go to find expert information and resources about web page hosting?

When it comes to web page hosting, has a unique niche. Their free service has isolated the top 10 hosting sites on the net. From frontpage hosting, free web page hosting, linux hosting, ASP hosting to ecommerce hosting, you will find everything you need to know about hosting. You will probably walk away much smarter than you were before you visited their site. Their expert reviews have comprehensive explanations and definitions of popular terminology. Things like Perl, mySQL, CGI, Php, Css, POP#, are all defined within the pages of this site. It's truly a blessing for newbies, but also very informative for veteran web goers.

Want to know compatibility issues with front page web hosting? covers that. Want to compare the top 10 webpage hosting packages at a glance? They cover that too. They really do make it easy to use their extensive knowledgebase and FAQ to find commonly asked questions. On top of that, their customer support is exceptional. Whether you attempt to contact them via email, live chat or phone, you can rest assured - answers will be coming faster than the speed of light. Web page hosting is big business and it's highly competitive. There are a lot of players in the game. It's important to know who the top dogs are and what hosting services are available to you.

Don't accept less than unlimited email, unlimited subdomains, free domain name registration, booming bandwidth, and enough diskspace to be the next Ebay. Well, maybe that's an overstatement, but the fact remains, can provide an open forum for you to learn more about your next host. Don't pass them by. It's at least worth a bookmark under web page hosting.

Startlogic Reviews
HostGator Reviews
MidPhase Reviews
Hostony Reviews
InMotionHosting Reviews

Web hosting

Finding a good web hosting provider is truly an art form. You need to be able to spot them within the first few seconds of visiting their page. Do they offer guarantees? Do they offer Testimonials? What about their customer service support? The best thing to do is to make an inquiry with a web hosting company before you make any decisions. If they reply promptly and intelligently, this is a good sign that they will take care of you. provides a one stop destination for you to easily review the top web hosting sites on available. The extensive reviews cover everything about when the web hosting company was started, how long they have been in business, do they own their own data center or are they a reseller? Quickly and easily compare pricing and hosting package. The top 10 web hosting reviews are a convenient way to do your homework before jumping into a long term contract.

Web hosting is a requirement if you plan on starting a web site. Some people choose to host their own sites by investing in servers and associated software, but the majority of small businesses rely on shared hosting plans. These are the most cost effective plans for newbies. Starting at $5, you can have your website posted and generating business within a matter of days. Nowadays you can get free domain registration, free unlimited email packages, free 24 hour support, live customer support chat online and an abundance of value added features like: Web based design software, intelligent marketing tools to promote your business, search engine submission tools and vital site statistic charts. is your "yellow pages" for finding web hosting solutions. It's fast, it's free and most of all, it's convenient. Trust the experts when it comes to finding the right web hosting package for you. Accept nothing less than the best. Choose a provider form Top 10 list. Compare and review the applications that are important for your web hosting needs. Asp, Php, Linux, perl, MySQL, CGI, POP3, FrontPage and more.

Startlogic Reviews
HostGator Reviews
MidPhase Reviews
PowWeb Reviews

Friday, February 26, 2010

Web hosting provider

Ever wish there was a simpler way to view the best web hosting providers at a quick glance. Instead of searching for hours and hours, hoping to find relevant information, you could just click on a top ten list somewhere, review the ratings and find the perfect web hosting solution provider. Well, your wish has come true. has done just that, researched the various hosts to find each web hosting solution provider that stands out from the crowd. looks for the web hosting service provider that has a proven track record of customer service and performance awards. In order for a web site hosting provider to make the Top 10 list, they must offer exceptional value for the price.

Now that your wish has come true, it's time to do your homework. Sit back, relax and browse through a comprehensive ratings system that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of each TOP ten web hosting provider. Find what's right for you. Don't know what's right for you? Head over to the FAQ and learn a bit more about the requirements to build your ideal web site. Maybe you need a unix web hosting provider or maybe you would be better suited to an NT platform. Whichever that may be, has a reliable and secure web hosting provider to meet your needs. top 10 list allows users like you to spend your time building your website instead of spending your time searching for a web host provider. With packages starting at extremely low monthly payments, you can get started for less than the cost of doing your laundry every month. What other business can you start for such a minimal up front cash layout? When you choose a web hosting service provider from you are choosing the best. The packages come all inclusive with Guarantees, customer support, design tool, marketing tools, site submission tools and more.

Now that you've done your homework, it's time to get started. Choose a web hosting provider that works for you. Submit your payment and start building your website today. In a matter of hours, you can start receiving email to your inbox requesting more information. Soon enough, you'll be processing secure online payment transactions. can help you find the web hosting provider to take you from a start up, to a multi million dollar empire. The Sky is the limit!

    Startlogic Reviews
    IXwebhosting Reviews
    MidPhase Reviews

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Small business web site hosting

As a small business owner, many times the owner is doing everything from running errands and creating press releases to marketing and finance. With the internet advancing everyday, small business owners now need to educate themselves on the dynamics of hosting a web site online. It may seem overwhelming at first. All of the computer programs like MySQL, Perl, CGI, ASP, Linix, POP3, PHP and more. What does it all mean? Is it actually necessary to know about all of these programs?

It is a good idea to understand the basic functions of programs that a small business web site hosting service is offering. You may never need them, but just knowing they are part of your web site infrastructure is important. Do you buy a car without looking under the hood? Half the time you can tell the difference between one motor and the next, especially with all of the new computer enhancements that cars have nowadays. The same goes for small business website hosting companies. They are constantly adding new software to improve the look and feel of your web site. Programs can make it easier for you to design your web site and easier for your customer to create a transaction online. Security, reliability and performance are the end results of all of these programs.

Just like buying a car, most people go with a name brand. A car that comes highly recommended or has won automobile of the year. Would you buy a car from a stranger on the side of the highway, selling a brand you have never heard of? I didn't think so. That’s why is your small business web site hosting solution. They offer the leading hosting companies in a one stop shop environment. You can compare packages, review pricing and analyze the expert ratings. explains the different programs that can impact your web site. There are informative articles to educate you on what you need and what you don't need.

Small business web site hosting doesn't have to be expensive. There is always someone that will tell you about a fully customizable solution that you can spend thousands of dollars on, but tells you the facts. For as little as $5 per month you can have all of the tools you need to start a web site: Design tools, marketing tools, administrative tools and customer support. is your small business web site hosting solution.

    Startlogic Reviews
    IXwebhosting Reviews
    Bluehost Reviews

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Small business web hosting

The search for small business web hosting services can be time consuming. There are so many companies that claim to offer everything you need to get your business started online. Finding a reputable source of information and objective reviews can sometimes seem impossible. comes to the rescue. Small business web hosting just got easier. is a one stop shop to compare ten of the best hosting sites on the web. Their expert ratings system tells the facts. Is the host a reseller or a data center? DO they over live customer support or a simple knowledgebase? How long have the top 10 hosts been in business? What software is available on the server side, admin panel and control panel? What are the most affordable packages for beginners and experts alike? These are just a few of the questions you can have answered regarding your small business web hosting.

Free live demos allow you to browse each hosts control panel and test the functions that are of interest to you. Their pricing is unbeatable, starting at a mere $5 per month, you would be hard pressed to find a better combination of services, features and expert advice. Many of the top 10 hosting small business web hosting companies are offering customer satisfaction guarantees! You really can't beat that. has a highly knowledgeable staff to answer your questions as well. If you're having a tough time deciding between or Linux/Unix they offer competitive solution for both operating systems.

With one simple click, can answer your questions, show you the top 10 small business web hosting sites, educate you on features that are important to you and get your business up and running today. There is nothing this site doesn't offer. They even provide direct links to each small business web hosting company. This way you can contact the host and read valuable corporate news that could impact the design and functionality of your site. You don't even need to buy a domain name; includes valuable tips and getting Free domain name registration.

    Startlogic Reviews
    IXwebhosting Reviews
    Bluehost Reviews
    HostGator Reviews

Web hosting reviews

simultaneously. is a highly innovative and informative web site that will help you find the top 10 web hosting reviews at a glance.

Why choose less when you can choose the best? was developed to bring the best websites web hosts to your fingertips. No more searching for testimonials and specifications, it's all included. The best part about, we provide the informative reviews as for free service. You can find web host reviews that offer free domain name registration. You can read a web hosting review that highlights infrastructure and performance or you can find a web hosting review that discusses customer service recognitions. Whatever is most important to you can be found in intelligent and extensive web hosting reviews.

Everything you need in one informative site. Compare pricing and web hosting packages. Web hosting reviews allow you to find the most value for your buck. Starting at only $5 per month you can get your internet business published around the world. Whether you are offering a product or service, it's your opportunity to expose your vision to everyone. When you review web host details you will find value added products and services that will help you in all of your strategic marketing efforts. Site submission tools and comprehensive marketing tools are included in these dynamic hosting packages. You will be surprised to find out how much you can get for such a cheap investment.

Web Hosting reviews - Intended for smart business owners. Small businesses to fortune 500 businesses rely on these expert web hosting reviews to gain the insight into their next hosting plan. Just like you, they read the abundance of late breaking articles and learn the differences between ASP and Php. Who is using what? Is one better than the other? The web hosting reviews, discuss advantages and disadvantages at a glance. Your search stops here. is your web hosting review solution.

    IXwebhosting Reviews
    HostGator Reviews
    Hostony Reviews
    Dot5hosting Reviews

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Collocation co-location collocation

Collocation co-location collocation

A hosting service provider can offer so many features and services it can be overwhelming. Especially if you don't even know what half of them mean. For the new web site business owner, or the e-commerce website owners we suggest to read more about Co-location web hosting, Shared web hosting and Business hosting.
If your company has built a strong internet presence utilizing your own servers and IT staff, you are highly knowledgeable about the demands of maintaining and operating an efficient server. It takes a lot of work, dedication and expense to pursue such an undertaking. My hat goes off to you. may have a simpler solution. An affordable solution. A smart solution.

The point will come, when managing your servers becomes a distraction to the success of your daily operations. The hassles of downtime, bandwidth maintenance, server updates, full time, 24 hour dedicated staff to ensure the servers are running at peak level all day, every day. Colocation may be the right solution to release the burden of managing your servers. offers highly reputable, reliable and supportive hosting packages that will allow you to move your servers to a co-location. This collocation will offer state of the art data centers to ensure your servers maintain the appropriate temperature, staff and support when there is a crisis.

Colocation hosting enables your business to ship your servers out of your current location to a professionally managed and maintained, specialized hosting service. The cost savings can be considerable in the long run. Especially when you consider staffing costs. Your initial investment to ship your servers will be your only tangible expense. The monthly costs of co-location will undoubtedly be less than you are already spending in house.

Server colocation may seem like a chore at first, but when you choose the right host to manage your servers you will be relieved in no time at all. As a matter of fact, you may even ask yourself, why you ever made the attempt to manage your servers yourself. offers exceptional collocation services to handle this process for you. With superior customer support and service, your site won't skip a beat. We have extensive reviews and ratings for a quick glance analysis in finding the right collocation service provider. If you have any questions about a data center near you, please contact out professional support team to handle your priority needs.

    Startlogic Reviews
    IXwebhosting Reviews
    Hostony Reviews

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Shared web hosting

For as little as $5 per moth a small to medium sized business can setup shared web hosting services with this site offers voluptuous packages containing everything you will need to get your internet business up and running. They is really no excuse to put it off anymore. The world is relaying more and more on the internet for research and ecommerce. If you don't have a website yet, you are probably losing money. There are customers awaiting your innovation, your products and your services. You simply need to let them know you exist.

With advanced marketing tools, a shared website hosting package form will get you placed in google in no time. Their value added design tools are completely web based and require no expensive software to get it all set up. A shared web hosting plan is completely self-sufficient. You can review vital site statistics like popular keywords, hits per day, hits per month, hits per page, number of page views and more. Their shared web hosting packages include everything you need to set up your own domain name, like: www.MyDomainis

Unlimited email packages allow you to give each of your employees their own customized email address which can be accessed from outlook, yahoo mail, msn, aol or otherwise. All of this can be setup in a matter of hours. Shared web hosting offers the convenience of premade templates and scripts which add amazing functionality to your site. If you do have your own design software, you are ahead of the game. You can upload your data and images via FTP and not have to know a thing about html coding. The internet has become so easy and user friendly, there are no more excuses to put it off anymore. has organized the Top 10 shared web hosting packages in one site! You don't need to hunt for the answers, they have articles, reviews and ratings by talented experts. The hard work has already been initiated by, now you simply need to decide which plan will work for you.

    HostGator Reviews
    MidPhase Reviews
    PowWeb Reviews

Friday, February 12, 2010

Hostgator Reviews

Facts About Hostgator

  • Accredited by the Better Business Bureau
  • 21st fastest Growing Company in America as reported by Inc. Magazine
  • Shared and Reseller Servers powered and cooled by Texas wind power
  • Provide Free Non-Profit Web Hosting

Hosting Plans:

A provider of both shared and dedicated hosting options, Hostgator is a long standing member of the hosting community and a leader in unique hosting plan combinations. The Baby Hosting Package which has the excellent rate of only $7.95 per month boasts unlimited disk space, bandwidth and domains. Add as many parked, or addon domains as you like, sub domains, ftp accounts and MySQL databases - you have literally mountains of space to use, and you'll have fun trying to fill it!
Upgrade from the Baby plan to the Business Hosting Plan for only $12.95 per month and also receive your own Toll-Free number, Free Dedicated IP and Free Private SSL. Business Hosting also gives you anonymous ftp, and for those switching over from Windows hosting - use Chilisoft ASP!

Technical and Customer Support:

Online chat technical support from Hostgator is top class, fast and reliable. Most of your questions be be answered on the spot by a knowledgeable customer support agent, while situations or matters require a technical support agent can be escalated, and you will be re-contacted wither through their excellent ticketing system, or via email. As always, support is available to you 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


Every web hosting package comes with a 45 day money back guarantee and 99.9% uptime guarantee. Over 2,200,000 domains are hosted with Hostgator and goes to show how well those guarantees are holding up.
Our favorite feature of the hosting packages in general is Hostgator's commitment to the environment by using 100% green energy in all their shared and reseller servers - power is supplied through Texas wind power generated right here in the US.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Web hosting service

How many websites do you currently operate? One, two, maybe three? Is this your first website? No matter what your situation may be, finding the web hosting service just got easier. has compiled massive amounts of informative articles, news briefs, company bios, pricing comparisons and more. Their comprehensive, educational site caters to small business web hosting services, linux web hosting services and personal web hosting services. It is such an informative resource, you simply have to bookmark this site.

Their section on small business hosting services allows you to compare the difference between virtual servers, dedicated servers, shared virtual servers and collocation servers. You can easily learn the difference between all of the server options within a 5-minute glance at their site. The information is easy to find and the resources are vital to your business. Their Top 10 web hosting service list is a must have. Why search all day to find one or two that appear to be a good web hosting service. They have the top 10 included in one page. You can click to direct web hosting links and see the corporate homepage. You can link to interactive live demos online, which allow you to preview control panels. You can send an email to a potential web hosting service and judge their customer service, firsthand.

With packages starting at $5 per month, you will be surprised to learn how much can be included in a web hosting service. I can see why these sites made the top 10! They offer free domain registration, free unlimited email, free subdomains, no set up fees, free marketing tools, free design tools and more. I call it all-inclusive hosting. You no longer need a programming guru to set up your site. You no longer need to be a computer guru to get a web site posted. Web hosting service has vastly improved since the beginning days of the internet. has done a great job at evaluating the competition and narrowing it down to a handful of highly qualified services.

After using, you will feel confident that you have the knowledge, features, value options and customer service to take the big step of starting a business online. Their customer support is exceptional. If you have a question about any one of the web hosting service on their site, they have a friendly, dedicated team to get you answers fast. They also provide a convenient knowledgebase, FAQ section and toll free phone support. With you can't go wrong.

    Startlogic Reviews
    IXwebhosting Reviews
    HostGator Reviews
    Dot5hosting Reviews

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

InMotion Hosting

Facts About InMotion Hosting

  • InMotion Hosting, Inc has earned 3 out of 3 Stars from CNET to become a CNET Certified Service Provider.
  • InMotion Hosting, Inc is accredited by the Better Business Bureau.
  • In business and providing hosting since 2001.
  • True 24/7 U.S. Based Toll-Free Support.
  • Offer Business Class, Personal, Dedicated and VPS Hosting.

Hosting Plans:

InMotion Hosting is one of our more reliable and diverse hosts in our list of Top Hosts. With the variable offerings in each category of Business Class, Dedicated and VPS Hosting, InMotion consistently puts their experience and expertise in stable hosting to practice for you and your business.
Each class of hosting has at least three levels of entry to match your needs and budget. Regardless of the entry level, every plan is backed by the same quality customer and technical support, and the same infrastructure and backbone, as the top tier plans.
Our favorite of the Hosting plans is the Power plan in Business Class Hosting. With a super affordable monthly price, the Power Plan can run most web sites, with up to six sites running on the same plan. Chances are this plan is the one for you!

Technical and Customer Support:

While InMotion does provide 24/7 technical and customer support by email, online chat and by phone, you will also find the answers to virtually any question related to your hosting account, within the Support Center - where you can search for your topic by keyword and find quick solutions and easy to understand answers to your questions.


Our favorite feature with hosting companies these days is the single word: Unlimited. InMotion uses it in spades, especially when relating it to disk space and bandwidth. All Business Class hosting accounts come with Data Backup and premium web site builders. Add in the free new domain of domain transfer and you have yourself an easy all in one solution, run by one of the most trusted leaders in hosting: InMotion Hosting.